Arcy Douglass

arcydouglass at

I have recently completed the Full Stack Javascript and the Front End Freelancing classes at the Portland Code School. My projects concentrated on development on both the front end and back end. Some of the frameworks and libraries that I have been working with include: Node, Bootstrap, Handlebars, Orchestrate and D3. I have also been using and customizing major Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress and MODx. All of my projects are also version controlled on Git and we rely on Basecamp for Project Management.


For our final project in the Full Stack Javascript Class, I was part of a team that developed a web app that we called Breeze. Breeze provides current wind conditions for ten of the best kite surfing locations in the Columbia River Gorge. We access data from the third party API with our server, load the data into Orchestrate and display the data to the client's browser by integrating Backbone and D3. All of the site navigation is handled locally with Backbone routes. The 48 hour wind forecast chart was rendered in D3.

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Project Overview on Trello Link

Breeze app screenshot

Breeze app screenshot

Research Club

The goal of this project was to develop a way for Research Club to present the information generated from a series of talks and find out the best to implement it in a WordPress plugin calledPods. Over the course of the project, I gained a much deeper of understanding of how to organizes posts and pages but also strategies to take advantage of templating within the WordPress hierarchy. I learned that I can use Pods to organize complex sets of information and how to use the templates to make sure that it displays correctly.

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Research Club pod diagram

D3 Word Frequency Chart

An experiment in counting and charting the keywords of Milton's text Paradise Lost. The words are displayed in a donut using the the pie layout from the D3.

Github Link

D3 pie chart screenshot

SVG Experiment

This project was an experiment to incorporate SVG elements into a web page. The arcs are generated according to an algorithm that assigns a location based on an external source like the digits of pi or a random number generator.

Github Link

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Arc Drawing screenshot

Blueprint for Balance

This project was an assignment for the Portland Code School Primer Class. The purpose of the project was for our team to learn the basics of HTML, CSS and Git.

Github Link

Blueprint for Balance screenshot